
Hell Hole!

Feeling sad inside
Listening to "CHANCE!" - UVERworld
Currently addicted to being sad
Currently irritated by how stupid i can be
Randomness: *tears*
well me and michael had a big fight last night on the phone. ya know you wanna cry but then you keep it in. that's what i feel right now and last night when i was going to sleep. people get mad at me for crying. i can't express myself in that way in my own house. when michael and i had the fight...iw anted to cry...but then he's like..."there's nothing to cry about"....so and then ihad to keep it locked in AGAIN! i guess i'm really good at that, huh? i know i'm such a cry baby....or i just have sensitive feelings...hmm...maybe i shouldn't care anymore...it's not like people give a damn if i do care or not. michael doubts me...i said something in the past to make him this way. hmm...i regret saying it. i don't have feelings for lex anymore. he just has to know that. but he's avoiding my words...so might as well let him think what he thinks i cana't stop him. he's pissed off...and i guess he'll be pissed off today too...i'll let him be...i care for him...but it seems like he doesn't want me to...so i'll try my best to not care. my self-esteem went down...holding in tears hurts more than letting it out. but it's ok...i'll do it.


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