
11 months & 4 days...

Feeling really cold!
Listening to "CHANCE!" - UVERworld
Currently addicted to loving michael...haha...
Currently irritated by how cold it is in my house
Randomness: UVERworld!!!
yes i have no life...haha...kidding...well the last time i typed in this thing was december 8th...i think...well i got my pay check....$200.43! :) i know...i have money now...as for december 10th...it was mine and michael's 11 months...haha..and so it's december 14th...meaning that michael and i have been going out for 11 months and 4 days...haha...yay!

last night was so interesting....so exciting too...cravings...woo hoo! kidding...well last night was crazy...fun...wonderful...and amazing... ::SORRY! not going into any details:: oh well! work as been keeping me away from michael...hmm...but it's cool, i see on the weekends...so yeah! well that's bascially it...haha...i got michael his present...woo hoo...there's goignt o be alot of wrtiting...oh well!!! haha...well gotta go...

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