

Feeling really bored
Listening to "More Than Words" - Frankie J
Currently addicted to michael
Currently irritated by nothing
Randomness: *smile* DOT DOT DOT
well i'm back for another day of losing my mind of being bored...haha...well yesterday was alright i guess...it had it's ups and downs...i went to the mall with michael...lykim & eughene....joebert & his cousin...so it was fun...michael got his early CHRISTMAS present...FATAL FRAME 3...haha....yup...ain't i such a great girlfriend...haha...kidding...well then we went back to eughene's...michael played FF3...so that was fun...then we went back inside the room with the others and watched lykim beat eughene at DDR...haha...that was funny... :) well i left around 845pm...and i got home around 93o something...haha..fun times...

as for today...i have this prayer group thingy to go with mommy....good thing all i have to do it sit there and be seen...haha...michael's coming over....and we're gunna play melee...haha...so that would eb fun i guess...even though i thought he got mad at me last night...but it's ok....eughene's fishes are fascinating...haha! well i have to go ...

bye bye

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