

Feeling tired
Listening to UVERworld - Colors of the Heart
Currently addicted to seeing michael tomorrow
Currently irritated by old people calling up my mommy
well since the debut...i haven't typed in this thing yet, so yeah. well the debut was great and fun. we were so close to not go b/c michaael's dad was being an ASS! so my dad gave us a ride to the hotel...fun times with cat...i won't see her again.. :(

well besides all that...i'll give you a recap of everything so far. my mom is a BITCH! i hate her! she drove michael out of the house...michael got mad...so i went after him...that day sucked...and this was last friday...hmm...i guess everything right now...is going smoothly i guess. well i'm starting to make up a dance to SHAMROCK from uverworld. so yeah! well that's about it so far...i just started this week, so nothing new yet...haha!



Feeling bored
Listening to UVERworld - Revolve
Currently addicted to nothing at the moment
Currently irritated by nothing
Randomness: *bobs head to music*
I'm busy each weekend...

28: practice for debut
29: bonfire hang out
30: practice for debut

August 04-06:
04: Sleepover
05: special surprise
06: practice for debut

August 11-13:
11: FREE
12: hang out party!
13: practice for debut

August 18-21:
18: practice for debut
19: cat's debut
20: jason's birthday
21: I start fall semester

it's crazy...i'm busy...hmm...at least i can have fun before i back to school...i need a new backpack...haha...i need to buy one...not unless someone could give me one...hehe...it's okay though. well last weeek, i went to comic-con on friday...it was fun...it was tiring , but fun...haha...my feet hurt though...*sigh* ...haha...me and michaelare planning on dressing up next year...hahaha...it'll be fun...well nothing's really much with me and michael...same everyday...haha...but of course we have our surprises...haha...we weren't planning on going to comic-on this year...hehe...but we did...and he had fun though..i'm happy he did...comic-con is fun when you're with a lot of people...hehe...so right noe there's really nothing much to say though...



Feeling sad & depressed
Listening to UVERworld - Revolve
Currently addicted to thinking too much
Currently irritated by the point that my JOB gets in the way of everything
Randomness: *tear*
well it's been almost two months since i typed in this thing...let's just say there has been a alot of drama in just almost 2 months. I don't want to get in any more arguments...it hurts too much...we had two current ones lately...and one of them didn't go too well...this one was last week. i don't type down what happened because i don't want it to happen again. and last night i was scared that everything would go wrong again.. EVERYTHING'S MY FAULT!!! i should've went Wednesday becuase i wasn't going today...and last week i should've been considerate of Michael's feelings than my own. I'm still a little depressed from last night....but its okay.
well i got sick again. but i'm not really sick..i just have the COUGH symptoms(?) it's an on and off thing...i guess. i don't know what's wrong with me...everything thinks i'm sick even though i don't think it's that....i just think there's something worng with my thraot or something...but no one cares b/c everyone just thinks it's a cold...nothing serious. mommy says, "take medicine" i've been doing that...nothing works...it just helps me go to sleep...and i still cough. i need to get a check-up...i guess...i guess i should ask my mom or dad...but it's ok...if nothing happens. well..i think that's about it of what i have to say...BYE BYE!



Feeling sad & depressed
Listening to nothin at the moment
Currently addicted to thinking too much
Currently irritated by the point that i should've told michael
Randomness: *tear*
well last night didn't go well...michael finally knows what i knew for a while...leo trusted me to not tell anyone...not even micahel...it was so hard keeping it from him. it was so hard...i really wanted to tell him....i guess i should've told him...i didn't know he would be so mad at me....i thought keeping this promise for his brother would be understanding...but i guess not. i feel really bad about this. yes, i did cry last night...i should've just told him...i should've.....i'm a bad girlfriend...i should've told him...i rather have leo mad at me than michael mad at me...hmm...*tear* but its's ok i guess...i don't know what today will bring us...most likely he'll still be mad at me...hmm...well i guess i'll go now...it's useless talking in here...haha...okay not really! bye...


it's been so long...

Feeling bored
Listening to nothin at the moment
Currently addicted to waiting for the time to come
Currently irritated by nothing
Randomness: *yawn*
well nothing's really going on with me..hehe...it's almost our 1 year and 3 months...i know huh...long time...i still can't believe it...that it's been this long since we've been going out...it feels so great...i'll never leave his side...he's my one and only....i'll protect him as much as i can...even if he pushes me away...i'll come back to him and heal his wounds...even if he doesn't reach out to me...it's my job as his lover to hold him and calm him down so he won't lose what's really close to him...i will keep my promise to him and i'll never leave his side...because i'll always be in his heart no matter what...hehe...well i'mma stop with the sappy stuff...i'll come back in a few months...haha!



well last ngiht wasn't so great...two fights/arguments in one night...dumb me! i always say the wrong things...geez...why can't i say soewmthin g that won't get us in a fight. grr...i'm such a bad girlfriend...but if i was so great michael wouldn't be feeling that pain he received last night. i hurt him so much...AAHHHH! i don't know what to do. cried twiceast night...hmm...what to do?! i don't know...but all i know is that i want to stay with michael.



Feeling tired
Listening to "Kiss The Girl (remix)"- The Little Mermaid
Currently addicted to waiting for micahel
Currently irritated by that one chick that we thought was going to turn
Randomness: sha la la la...
well yesterday was my birthday...i'm 19 now..haha...nothing special, huh?1 well didn't really do much...i spent my day with my one and only, MICHAEL ROY...it was fun spending my birthday with him..haha...we watched some episodes of Charmed then we went tot hemall i bought the new LOTR DVD trivial pursuit..haha...i got that...woo hoo...HAPPY BORTHDAY TO ME! OH YEAH! HAHA...well my get togeher was fun...played melee...ate...watcjed the wig...and that's about it...and talked to matt so that we can catch up things...well, that's what's been going on with me lately...so yeah...haha...BYE BYE!


2nd week

Feeling bummed
Listening to "CHANCE!" - UVERworld
Currently addicted to missing michael a lot...
Currently irritated by everything of annoyance
Randomness: fa la la la
well was okay i guess... i thought i was going to see michael today...i guess not. ya know i thought it would be like those times that he might not make it...but then he does make it type deals...but this time he didn't come. i guess he was really tired...hmm...aww...more baby...well i hope i'll be able to see him tomorrow morning...but i don't know if he'll be up or something...hmm...well that was the only hting that bummed me out today...i didn't get to see michael...hmm... :(


5 more days

Listening to ""Distance (m-flo remix)" - utada hikaru

Currently addicted to michael roy reasol!
Currently irritated by nose...eww!
Randomness: *jump* *jump*

YES! in five days...it'll be one year with michael roy reasol!!!! i love hims o much!!!so many memories in one year...what more can i ask for...he's so great to me...even though at times it deosn't seem that way...but he's everything to me. when i need a shoulder to cry...he's right there for me to cry on. when i get in arguments with my family...he's there to comfort me. when i feel alone...he reminds that i'm not alone. when i feel left out...he comes walking after me. when i do something wrong...he surpasses that and reminds me that i'm the best thign to him.

we have that 6th sense...we know if one of us is lying...i know when he's lying...and he's know when i;m lying...even though we try to hide...we still know. we have great communication even though at times it seems like it's not that great...but at the end of of our arguments it becomes great...

well i don't know if michael's coming over tonight...i guess it depends on him...if he has a ride...hmm...



new year's

Feeling bored
Listening to ""You're Not Alone" - Devotion
Currently addicted to michael's emails...haha
Currently irritated by nothing
Randomness: La la la....
well new year's eve...michael comes over....we hang out till we have had to leave around 7pm....so yeah...cyrus and his friends were playing Halo2....so yeah...then later michael plays fatal frame 3....then he goes and plays mario soccer game...so yeah then i'mleft fighting 2 ghosts...darn! so i exit that....migod that was scary...then i join michael and i watch him play.then later we play melee...that was fun...i played a few times...haha...so yeah...it was a gaming night...haha...then around 3 something we went to belda's...more melee...haha...i slept on the top bunk...haha...iw as the only girl...haha...then around 10 soemthing i had to go home...so yeah...then around 1 something i went to belda's again...haha...everyone fell asleep!!! me, vince, and belda's cousins were awake...so as for me, i kept my distance...so i let them sleep...then later they wake up...we play melee....then naruto...then i fell alseep next to michael....aww....then we had to go home around 830...so yeah!

great new year's huh?!