
5 more days

Listening to ""Distance (m-flo remix)" - utada hikaru

Currently addicted to michael roy reasol!
Currently irritated by nose...eww!
Randomness: *jump* *jump*

YES! in five days...it'll be one year with michael roy reasol!!!! i love hims o much!!!so many memories in one year...what more can i ask for...he's so great to me...even though at times it deosn't seem that way...but he's everything to me. when i need a shoulder to cry...he's right there for me to cry on. when i get in arguments with my family...he's there to comfort me. when i feel alone...he reminds that i'm not alone. when i feel left out...he comes walking after me. when i do something wrong...he surpasses that and reminds me that i'm the best thign to him.

we have that 6th sense...we know if one of us is lying...i know when he's lying...and he's know when i;m lying...even though we try to hide...we still know. we have great communication even though at times it seems like it's not that great...but at the end of of our arguments it becomes great...

well i don't know if michael's coming over tonight...i guess it depends on him...if he has a ride...hmm...


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