
crazy day&nights!

well...ever since monday...michael & i have been great since then...and our "non-torturing" break...well...that didn't last long...i know it kicked in on wednesday...naughty me! :0 haha...well since monday...michael's been visiting me...so it's all good...haha! on friday...me, michael, lykim, & eughene went to eughene's house...so hang out...let's just say, "Double Date!"....haha! it was fun ahgning out with them again...on saturday we went to gray anne's birthday party...that was fun-ish...i finally watched "advent children" ....frickin' great movie...my number one movie...well i was tempted in joselito's bedroom when me and michael were in there alone...OMG! but then we controled ourselves...so 925pm...i had to go home...so vince gave michael his car keys and asked us to get gass for him too...well get the gas...then when we got to my house...i didn't want to go in...so we parked away from my house...and we stayed in the car and "talked" for a bit. then around 1015pm...michael leaves....and i was stuck at home...well for today...it went well....didn't do much torturing so yeah...and umm...my mom bought me new curtains...haha!

that's all what happened since monday...so i guess i should go now and enjoy the rest of my night...C-YA! :)

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