
Please no more drama!

Feeling UGH! my left hand hurts.
Listening to Loveless - Yamashita Tomohisa [Yamapi]
Currently addicted to Yamashita Tomohisa [Yamapi]
Currently irritated by idiots.
Randomness: ow ow ow!

The quilt broke up! Arvin and Joey are doing their own thing by themselves. Vince, Leo, & Sarah are hanging out with Michael. Joie and Joebert...God knows what's going on with those two. Ranee, Ariz, & Christian hang out at my house once a week or so...maybe twice.

I'm satisfied with the people I hang out with now. No drama or headaches!

Recently, someone made a big deal about the video I made. He called me names behind my back. WTF?! Come to me first stupid, I would've done something. [I already fixed the problem]. He had no right to bring up MY past. BAKA!!!! That person is the biggest egotistical person I know. Whatever man! I don't talk to anyone who sides with him. Don't dare disrespect me! There's consequences to that. Yes, I rant, I complain, and I bitch; but I get over it. However, I don't call people names when I bitch. He called me A cunt nugget?! wtf?! Use proper english, please! A single witch?! You might as well should've put BITCH instead. A dirty slut?! I'm not the one who cheated and left a girl pregnant. Use your brain for once.

The other drama I had was with Fabian and James. James confessed his love to me a few months ago. I felt awkward of course. He wanted me to talk to him like nothing happened. But i couldn't, so James talks to Fabian about it. Fabian talks to me about it and he gets all mad. I told Fabian my reason for ignoring James. But i guess he didn't want to know about my side. So, James and Fabian deleted me off of their friends list on FB... Stupid I know. I think in the beginning of this month, they wrote to me and started to apologize. I had Antho tell them my side of the story. Fabian and I want to talk face to face....I told him I won't be his friend until we square things out. Yup! too much drama...big big headaches...its cool tho.

- Sharon (-_^).v

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