
jdramas where are you!

Feeling content on if i'll get my jdramas today
Listening to AGONY - theGazettE
Currently addicted to waiting for my jdramas to arrive

Currently irritated by not receving my jdramas for the past 2 days
Randomness: UGH
today i'll be staying home cleaning and try to relax before tomorrow night. yesterday was fun, all we did was stay at the mall tillw e got bored...lol...frances picked me and arceya up! she speeds, migod woman! but at the same time shes safe...lol...i got a new bra for saturday, it's really nice...hehe! :D went to target, bout me some pencils and drank some caramel frap...saw MIKo...yay! talk for a couple of hours then we all went home and chilled!

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