
party, tears, and fights

Feeling tired but can't sleep
Listening to POTC: curse of the black pearl
Currently addicted to waiting for my jdramas to arrive

Currently irritated by not receving my jdramas for the past 2 days
Randomness: Oi!
Pepper's party was fun till there was a fight which involved Pepper's friend and some random guy she met...lol...took 2 shots then this drink Pepper got for free. i wanted to finish the damn nachos...but i didn't cuz we decided to leave. Pepper got a bit emotional cuz there was drama on her 21st birthday. me and the guys decided to leave after mel left. got supposedly around 1ish 2ish ....didn't keep track and went to bed at 5ish...lol...and i woke up this morning at 9ish...lol...loads of fun!


jdramas where are you!

Feeling content on if i'll get my jdramas today
Listening to AGONY - theGazettE
Currently addicted to waiting for my jdramas to arrive

Currently irritated by not receving my jdramas for the past 2 days
Randomness: UGH
today i'll be staying home cleaning and try to relax before tomorrow night. yesterday was fun, all we did was stay at the mall tillw e got bored...lol...frances picked me and arceya up! she speeds, migod woman! but at the same time shes safe...lol...i got a new bra for saturday, it's really nice...hehe! :D went to target, bout me some pencils and drank some caramel frap...saw MIKo...yay! talk for a couple of hours then we all went home and chilled!


hottie asian

Feeling Happy!
Listening to Noesis - Gackt
Currently addicted to hott asian across from work

Currently irritated by nothing
Randomness: Kyah~!
well joey came to my house around 1030 in the morning, then we left to catch the bus at 1130am. got on the trolley around 12pm. the trolley was delayed so we walked to work from city college. we got to work around 1230pm. we talked to john and joey gave him his 2 wks notice. afterwards we talked to christine (coffee lady) and tim for bit. got a vanilla nut latte from christine. sat down and had a quick chat with louis. then i watched hott asian guy from afar; i think we took their seats cuz they came around towards us...lol! :D so i saw his face up close... HOTTIE! then we left and ate at jack in the box. left on the trolley then the bus then we went to my house. hanged out then joey left around 7pm...lol....GREAT AWESOME DAY!!!


ruki & reita made my day!

Feeling pumped up!!!
Listening to in the middle of chaos - theGazettE
Currently addicted to
[this pic of ruki and reita]
Currently irritated by love
Randomness: Shinji
ok...well haven't been hanging out with my friends for a while now. i guess everyone is busy nowadays, huh? well work became real interesting...new owner! :D and we don't like him...hehe :P i was watching theGazettE's DimScene live... omg i got turned on by that picture of ruki and reita! got addicted to "in the middle of chaos" lol...so happy! didn't know that the song was in english....all english! lol...so i can actually understand one of their songs, ne! lol...well my love life is complete crap...maybe i should just give up on guys and relationships altogether, huh?! hmmm....


new year! new life!

Feeling lonely
Listening to the gazette - ray
Currently addicted to gackt
Currently irritated by love
Randomness: sugoi na!

2008 and 1/2 of 2009 were my downfalls. i got pregnant on sept. 2008...then i get fucked over by michael in nov 2008 (he leaves me for another girl) then in feb 2009 my parents found out i was pregnant. (michael still didn't do shit) in may 2009, arceya was born, michael still didn't really do shit for his daughter ecause of the butch he chose as his girlfriend. after all that in aug 2009, michael leaves for the navy which made my life more better. i started to like one of my friends, so its nice to finally move on a lil.

i hope that 2010 will be better than my last 2 yrs!